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One of our newest projects is called “Twinning”, which is an exchange organised between 2 EMSA faculty member organisations  throughout Europe!


​The main focus of this exchange lies both on a cultural and educational level. Both FMO’s will visit each other’s countries and hometowns for one week. You will be assigned to a “twin”, your contact person for all of your questions. Your accommodation will be provided by the host family of your twin. When our foreign friends visit Antwerp, the program will be composed by us.


You will get to know one another’s culture by p.e. visiting tourist attractions, taking a boat trip, climbing to the highest point of the city or having a nice drink in a typical bar, but most of all, by making new friends.
The educational part will consist of p.e. a visit to the hospital, various workshops (suturing, ultrasound scan, …), exploring  your twin’s campus, …

We organised our first edition together with EMSA Macedonia, this was a great experience for the participants! Therefore, we hope that many Twinning projects may follow in the future!

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