SCORP stands for “Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace” and includes all projects related to these values in relation to health, health care and medical education.
At SCORP we strive for the principle of equity instead of equality, which means giving extra assistance to people with more needs to create an equal end result instead of using the same care for everyone to get an unequal result. Equal access to health care, equal opportunities and monitoring the pursuit of human rights are an integral part of this.
Our projects mainly aim to promote this vision and create awareness about the inequality that still exists in our society. In doing so, we want to pay special attention to the more vulnerable groups in our society, such as refugees, the LGBTQ+ community, the elderly, people with disabilities, migrants, people already experiencing the effects of climate change and environmental disasters on their health ...
We think it is important that medical students and consequently the future doctors, researchers and pharmacists are aware of this, and we want to inform and motivate them to join the fight for inclusive medicine and health care.
In short: making the most of the opportunity to create a world together with appropriate health care for all!